Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jo Isaac and family

Jo, Brett and Kai (7).

We are excited to be hosting Sandra in Adelaide, and also doing a road-trip to Melbourne and attending the Melbourne ALLive event too!

We currently live in Adelaide, but first really learnt about unschooling when we lived in Colorado in 2009-2010, when Kai was just turned 3. While there we joined a large unschooling group, and met with Jill Parmer, Rebecca Allen, Lucretia Holcomb and many other unschoolers and our lives were changed forever, immeasurably for the better.

We have been radical unschoolers ever since, and after Colorado we lived in Tasmania for a while, and now Adelaide. Kai has never been to any kind of school, and enjoys a wide variety of interests and activities...he loves Minecraft, Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 2, Animal Jam and a lot of other games, he loves dinosaurs and animals, he likes Beast Quest and Sea Quest books, he likes skyping with his friends – local and overseas - and playing games, he likes park days, surfing, snorkelling, and skateboarding. We are lucky to have a small, but awesome, unschooling community of friends in Adelaide.

Brett is a post-doc at the University of Adelaide – he studies the evolution of limb length in lizards. I currently work part-time from home on various writing and research science projects.

Brett and I met while we were both doing PhD's in life history theory (his on lizards, mine on possums) in North Queensland. Brett is originally from Melbourne. I am originally from Birmingham in the UK. Kai was conceived on the wild and woolly west coast of Scotland in 2005 – while Brett and I were working on a water vole project for the University of Aberdeen - and born in Townsville, Queensland in 2006.

As a family we love, love, love unschooling, and are so very grateful that Brett has both a job that he loves and which allows me to stay home and unschool Kai. We are very excited to have Sandra come visit and be able to attend two of the Australia ALLive symposia

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